Sprite Stacking

Use various sprite operations to create a pseudo-3D effect.

The lizard.png sprite “font” for this example is:


It has been created with voxelizer from a 3D model, but there are many other tools to generate a sprite stack image.

With the following lizard.ron RON configuration file for parsing the different layers as characters:

(glyph_width: 23,  glyph_height: 74, first_char: 1, last_char: 18)


use chuot::{Config, Context, Game, config::RotationAlgorithm};

/// Define a game state for our example.
struct GameState {
    /// Current rotation.
    rotation: f32,

impl Game for GameState {
    /// Update the game.
    fn update(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
        // Increment the rotation with with the timestep so it rotates smoothly
        self.rotation += ctx.delta_time();

    /// Render the game.
    fn render(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
        // Get the layer range as "characters" of the font
        let start_layer = ctx.font("lizard").first_char();
        let last_layer = ctx.font("lizard").last_char();

        for layer in start_layer..=last_layer {
                // Draw each layer a slight bit higher than the previous to give the illusion of a 3D image
                .translate_y(-(layer as f32))
                // Changing the center of rotation also works when applied to every layer
                    // Rotate around the horizontal center
                    // Rotate at a bit lower than the center so the body of the lizard is centered
                // Rotate it

/// Open an empty window.
fn main() {
    // Game configuration
    let config = Config {
        buffer_width: 120.0,
        buffer_height: 96.0,
        // Apply a minimum of 6 times scaling for the buffer
        // Will result in a minimum, and on web exact, window size of 960x720
        scaling: 6.0,
        // Use a nice rotation algorithm to reduce pixel noise
        rotation_algorithm: RotationAlgorithm::CleanEdge,

    // Spawn the window and run the 'game'
    GameState::default().run(chuot::load_assets!(), config);


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