Sprite Read Pixels

Show how to read the pixels of a sprite.

Calling ctx.sprite(..).read_pixels() requires the read-texture feature flag.

The threeforms.png sprite image for this example is:


With the following threeforms.ron RON configuration file for positioning the center of the sprite:

(pivot_x: Center, pivot_y: Center)


use chuot::{Config, Context, Game, RGBA8};

/// Which sprite to draw.
const SPRITE: &str = "threeforms";

/// Define a game state for our example.
struct GameState {
    /// Pixel value underneath the mouse.
    pixel: Option<RGBA8>,

impl Game for GameState {
    /// Update the game.
    fn update(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
        // Read the size of the sprite
        let (sprite_width, sprite_height) = ctx.sprite(SPRITE).size();
        // Read the pixels of the sprite
        let pixels = ctx.sprite(SPRITE).read_pixels();

        // Only do something when the mouse is on a pixel
        let Some((mouse_x, mouse_y)) = ctx.main_camera().mouse() else {

        // Offset the mouse by the image size
        let mouse_x = mouse_x + sprite_width / 2.0;
        let mouse_y = mouse_y + sprite_height / 2.0;

        // Convert the mouse coordinate to the pixel, ignoring when we don't hover over the image
        self.pixel =
            if mouse_x < 0.0 || mouse_x > sprite_width || mouse_y < 0.0 || mouse_y > sprite_height {
            } else {
                // Convert the mouse_coordinates to the index inside the pixel data
                let index = mouse_x.floor() as usize + (mouse_y.floor() * sprite_width) as usize;

                // Return the pixel value

    /// Render the game.
    fn render(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
        // Draw the sprite

        if let Some(pixel) = self.pixel {
            // Draw the pixel value on the mouse
                &format!("{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b),
            // Use the UI camera which draws the center in the top left
        } else {
            // Notify the user to hover
            ctx.text("Beachball", "Hover the mouse\nover the sprite")
            // Use the UI camera which draws the center in the top left
                .translate((2.0, 2.0))

/// Open an empty window.
fn main() {
    // Game configuration
    let config = Config {
        buffer_width: 240.0,
        buffer_height: 192.0,
        // Apply a minimum of 3 times scaling for the buffer
        // Will result in a minimum, and on web exact, window size of 720x576
        scaling: 3.0,

    // Spawn the window and run the 'game'
    GameState::default().run(chuot::load_assets!(), config);


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