Falling Sand
A simple falling sand game.
use chuot::{Config, Context, Game, KeyCode, MouseButton, RGBA8};
/// Width of the screen but also width of the sandbox simulation.
const WIDTH: f32 = 240.0;
/// Height of the screen but also height of the sandbox simulation.
const HEIGHT: f32 = 192.0;
/// How many cells to fill to draw when clicking.
const BRUSH_SIZE: isize = 2;
/// State of a single pixel in the sand box.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Cell {
/// Type of the cell.
element: Element,
/// Whether the cell is visited this update loop.
visited: bool,
/// Color of the cell.
color: RGBA8,
impl Default for Cell {
fn default() -> Self {
let element = Element::Air;
let color = element.random_color();
let visited = false;
Self {
/// Type of a cell.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Element {
/// Empty.
/// Solid powder material.
/// Solid un-movable material.
/// Fluid material.
impl Element {
/// Create a random color based on the type
fn random_color(self) -> RGBA8 {
match self {
Self::Air => RGBA8::new(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFF, 0xFF),
Self::Sand => {
let variation = chuot::random(0.0, 15.0) as u8;
RGBA8::new(0xFF, 0xFF - variation, 0x44 - variation, 0xFF - variation)
Self::Rock => {
let variation = chuot::random(0.0, 20.0) as u8;
RGBA8::new(0xAA - variation, 0xAA - variation, 0xAA - variation, 0xFF)
Self::Water => RGBA8::new(0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xFF),
/// Define a game state for our example.
struct GameState {
/// What kind of element to draw when clicking.
brush: Element,
/// Grid of pixels for each cell.
sandbox: Vec<Cell>,
/// Which horizontal direction to draw, toggles every update tick.
update_horizontal_cells_forward: bool,
impl GameState {
/// Setup the grid.
fn new() -> Self {
// Fill the sandbox with air
let sandbox = vec![Cell::default(); (WIDTH * HEIGHT) as usize];
// The default brush is sand
let brush = Element::Sand;
// Initial direction, value doesn't matter because it updates every update tick
let draw_forward = false;
Self {
update_horizontal_cells_forward: draw_forward,
/// Get the sandbox as a vector of pixels to draw.
fn pixels(&self) -> Vec<RGBA8> {
self.sandbox.iter().map(|cell| cell.color).collect()
/// Update the state of a single cell.
fn update_cell(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
// Reference to the cell
let Some(cell) = self.cell(x, y) else {
// Do nothing if the cell is already updated this loop or a static type
if cell.element == Element::Air || cell.element == Element::Rock || cell.visited {
match cell.element {
// Sand is a powder so it falls down in a triangle shape
Element::Sand => self.handle_powder(x, y),
// Water is a fluid so it also moves horizontally
Element::Water => self.handle_fluid(x, y),
// These have been handled already by the check above
Element::Rock | Element::Air => unreachable!(),
/// Update the cell as a powder.
fn handle_powder(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
// Check if we can move down
if let Some(below) = self.cell(x, y + 1) {
if below.element == Element::Air || below.element == Element::Water {
self.swap(x, y, x, y + 1);
// Choose a random diagonal direction to see if we can move there
let direction = chuot::random(-1.0, 1.0).signum() as isize;
if let Some(diagonal_next) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y + 1) {
if diagonal_next.element == Element::Air || diagonal_next.element == Element::Water {
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y + 1);
// Choose the other diagonal direction to see if we can move there
if let Some(diagonal_mirror) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y + 1) {
if diagonal_mirror.element == Element::Air || diagonal_mirror.element == Element::Water
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y + 1);
/// Update the cell as a fluid.
fn handle_fluid(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize) {
// Check if we can move down
if let Some(below) = self.cell(x, y + 1) {
if below.element == Element::Air {
self.swap(x, y, x, y + 1);
// Choose a random diagonal direction to see if we can move there
let direction = chuot::random(-1.0, 1.0).signum() as isize;
if let Some(diagonal_next) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y + 1) {
if diagonal_next.element == Element::Air {
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y + 1);
// Choose the other diagonal direction to see if we can move there
if let Some(diagonal_mirror) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y + 1) {
if diagonal_mirror.element == Element::Air {
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y + 1);
// Choose a random diagonal direction to see if we can move there
let direction = chuot::random(-1.0, 1.0).signum() as isize;
if let Some(horizontal_next) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y) {
if horizontal_next.element == Element::Air {
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(direction), y);
// Choose the other diagonal direction to see if we can move there
if let Some(horizontal_mirror) = self.cell(x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y) {
if horizontal_mirror.element == Element::Air {
self.swap(x, y, x.wrapping_add_signed(-direction), y);
/// Get the cell at the position.
fn cell(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Option<Cell> {
// Ignore cells at the edges
if x >= WIDTH as usize || y >= HEIGHT as usize {
return None;
Some(self.sandbox[Self::cell_index(x, y)])
/// Swap two cells.
fn swap(&mut self, x1: usize, y1: usize, x2: usize, y2: usize) {
let index1 = Self::cell_index(x1, y1);
let index2 = Self::cell_index(x2, y2);
// Mark them as visited
self.sandbox[index1].visited = true;
self.sandbox[index2].visited = true;
// Swap the elements in the array
self.sandbox.swap(index1, index2);
/// Calculate the cell index for a coordinate.
const fn cell_index(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
x + y * WIDTH as usize
impl Game for GameState {
/// Create the texture once at startup.
fn init(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
// Create a new sprite with the size of the screen, pivoting at the top left
.create((WIDTH, HEIGHT), (0.0, 0.0), self.pixels());
/// Update the sandbox and handle input in the update loop.
fn update(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
// Only handle the mouse when it's on the buffer
if let Some((mouse_x, mouse_y)) = ctx.mouse() {
// Set the pixels to the selected element
if ctx.mouse_held(MouseButton::Left) {
// Draw a square of pixels
// Convert mouse coordinates to index into the sandbox
let cell_index = Self::cell_index(
(mouse_x + x as f32).clamp(0.0, WIDTH - 1.0) as usize,
(mouse_y + y as f32).clamp(0.0, HEIGHT - 1.0) as usize,
// Create a cell for the brush
let element = self.brush;
// Create a color from the element
let color = element.random_color();
// Set the cell under the mouse
self.sandbox[cell_index] = Cell {
// Handle changing the brush with the keyboard
if ctx.key_released(KeyCode::Digit1) || ctx.key_released(KeyCode::KeyS) {
self.brush = Element::Sand;
if ctx.key_released(KeyCode::Digit2) || ctx.key_released(KeyCode::KeyW) {
self.brush = Element::Water;
if ctx.key_released(KeyCode::Digit3) || ctx.key_released(KeyCode::KeyR) {
self.brush = Element::Rock;
if ctx.key_released(KeyCode::Digit4) || ctx.key_released(KeyCode::KeyA) {
self.brush = Element::Air;
// Reset the state for each cell to start the simulation
.for_each(|cell| cell.visited = false);
// Perform the simulation
for y in 0..(HEIGHT as usize) {
if self.update_horizontal_cells_forward {
for x in 0..(WIDTH as usize) {
self.update_cell(x, y);
} else {
for x in (0..(WIDTH as usize)).rev() {
self.update_cell(x, y);
// Toggle the forward updates so it switches every tick
self.update_horizontal_cells_forward = !self.update_horizontal_cells_forward;
/// Render the game.
fn render(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
// Update the sandbox texture's pixels
.update_pixels((0.0, 0.0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), self.pixels());
// Draw the sandbox
// Use the UI camera which draws the center in the top left
// Show the keyboard buttons for the brush as text on the screen
"FPS: {:.0}\nActive: {}\n1: Sand\n2: Water\n3: Rock\n4: Air",
match self.brush {
Element::Air => "Air",
Element::Sand => "Sand",
Element::Rock => "Rock",
Element::Water => "Water",
// Use the UI camera which draws the center in the top left
.translate((1.0, 1.0))
/// Open an empty window.
fn main() {
// Game configuration
let config = Config {
buffer_width: WIDTH,
buffer_height: HEIGHT,
scaling: 3.0,
// Use a slightly darker viewport color than the color of air
viewport_color: RGBA8::new(0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xFF),
// Update 100 times per second
update_delta_time: 100.0_f32.recip(),
// Spawn the window and run the game
GameState::new().run(chuot::load_assets!(), config);
Chuột Version | Example Works |
0.3.0 | ✅ |
0.3.1 | ✅ |
Unreleased | ✅ |